Preacher Pressure


Foxworthy Preacher
Photo from Randy Boyd via Levi Sisemore

Generally, I love the comedy of Jeff Foxworthy.  This time I am both laughing and crying.  I was a preacher for a long time and I know the pressures of the profession.  When the congregation is not growing/happy/interested/involved/etc., the preacher is the first one blamed and, very often, sent packing.  Maybe a new preacher will be more dynamic/younger/pretty/gregarious/educated/entertaining/etc.  Sorry, Jeff, that’s not really his job.

Most of this pressure is because we have become assembly-oriented.  “Going to church” is the expected and almost exclusive activity of the majority.  Because of this, it had better be well-orchestrated (maybe even have an orchestra).  If “going to church” is not interesting/exciting/ entertaining, then attendees will drift to a more appealing (I almost wrote, “appalling”) venue.  Consequently, all kinds of shenanigans are pulled to draw the crowds away from one congregation to another.

It never seems to cross our minds that our purpose is not to have the biggest congregation, but simply to follow Christ with the strength and wisdom that God provides.  It doesn’t seem to occur to us that assemblies are for edification and encouragement.  If we restore assemblies to their scriptural purpose, we won’t need smoke bombs, rock bands and a new preacher to keep folks coming back.

The light that we are commissioned to bring to all the world has nothing to do with electricity.  It has everything to do with letting the light of Jesus shine through our words, actions and attitudes, bringing glory to God.

Nowhere in the instructions of Jesus and the apostles is there even a hint of having preacher as a position, much less heaping upon him primary responsibility for the state of the congregation and the quality of the “worship service” (a term not found in Scripture).

With church affiliation declining across the denominational spectrum, it is high time to take a fresh look at Scripture.  Are we truly following Christ into the world or leaving him in the uncomfortable streets while we attend another comfortable “worship service” in our well-appointed “church buildings?”

May God forgive me (us) for participating so long in something so foreign to Scripture and deviant to our purpose.

The Answers to Everything

Two questions: Why did the number of disciples explode in the first three centuries after the establishment of the church on that wondrous Day of Pentecost? And, why isn’t similar growth occurring now? Once we have answered these questions, we will have the answers for everything. So what are the differences between then and now and us and them?  I can think of a few:

1.      They were Holy Spirit motivated and driven. Too many of us are ignorant of the Spirit’s provision, power and His primary legacy: inspired Scripture. It is within these God-breathed words we will find the answers we seek, not in some book on church growth.

2.      They were not building-oriented. We are. We spend millions on structures we mistakenly call “churches” with a “sanctuary” and classrooms. Try finding that in Scripture!  What a classic misappropriation of time, energy and money!

3.      They did not have a “professional class” or clergy. We do. We spend millions on their salaries and benefits. Then we work the hound out of them. This too is alien to Scripture. As Lisa Sells has written,

…the pastor (“preacher” for us restorationists-DW) is expected to both nurture the mature and win the lost through a one-way monologue (i.e., the weekly sermon-DW).  Then through the week the pastor is expected to satisfy member needs for personal love and concern.

“The result is often a membership that watches the pastor try to do all the ministry as well as a pastor that is overextended and skating on the edge of burnout. (Lisa Sells, “Avery Willis’ Last Dream,” Mission Frontiers, USCWM, 1605 E. Elizabeth St., Pasadena, CA 91104, 626-7971111, January-February 2011, p. 9)

4.      They were not assembly-oriented. We are. Assembly has been called, “The Sunday Morning Show.” It has replaced The Great Commission as the focus of our resources and energies.  Assembly an essential part of our Christian walk but it must not become our major focus.  As Steve Smith wrote,

The Great Commission says we are to go, not invite people to come to us.  We must go to where the lost are, and train the new believers to also go to the lost, into factories, homes, shops and neighborhoods (Steve Smith, “Training for Trainers Process,” Mission Frontiers, January-February 2011, p. 11)

5.      They understood what “making disciples” was and how to do it.  We don’t.  They proclaimed the word, lived the gospel, baptized those who came to belief and taught them to observe all that Jesus commanded.  Those disciples made more disciples who could make disciples and multi-level discipling was born.

6.      They knew that their mission was to follow Christ.  We know it too, but we get distracted by stuff that has nothing to do with our primary mission. They didn’t get involved in peripheral diversions.  Since Jesus came to seek, serve and save the lost, they knew that was their job too.  It’s all right there in the Gospels and the Letters.

It is time to dump the ineffective inventions, innovations, diversions and distractions that have gummed up the simple process of seeking, saving and discipling the lost. It is time to stop wringing our hands in despair and to fill those hands with a copy of Scripture.  It is time to quit looking around wondering what to do and to fill our eyes, mind and heart with the teachings and examples of Jesus and the apostles. There we will find what to do. There we will find the answers to everything.


 Dear friends and fellow-workers,

 Please forgive this communication being sent as an email instead of regular mail. 

We are faced with an urgent situation and we need this to go to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. 

As you probably already know, Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) has entered into a partnership with Macquarie School of Biblical Studies (MSOBS) in Sydney.  We have a vision of training and deploying well-prepared men and women as gospel preachers and teachers across Australia.  But we cannot do this without your help. 

Several things are necessary for this mission to succeed.

  1. We must recruit additional students from across the continent.  In order for this to happen…
  2. We must increase the staff of the school. 

It’s really as simple as that.  We cannot expect success unless we secure additional personnel. 

In this regard we have good news: our Administrative Dean, Craig Peters and family have secured their long-term visa!  This has been an expensive and difficult process but God has blessed our efforts with success.

Now here is the urgent matter, we need a two-year commitment for $4,000 a month additional support for the Peters family. 

Yesterday, I told Chris Swinford, Sunset’s Dean of International Training that if I had the borrowing power I would immediately arrange for a $24,000 loan to take care of at least half of what’s needed.  Why would I say such a thing?  One reason: This is an investment with a guaranteed return!  Why?  Because training men and women in Australia is the best possible way to evangelise this great nation.  Here are some of the reasons:

  1.  It is culturally relevant..  Training men and women in their own culture eliminates adjustment problems.
  2. It is ten times more cost effective to train men and women in their own country than to bring in missionaries from another country.
  3. It increases local evangelism.  Experience shows church planting increases significantly when training schools are mobilized. 
  4. It encourages men and women to stay and serve in their own country. 
  5. It discourages dependence on foreign support.  No foreign support is offered to graduates.
  6. Excellent training.  The teaching pool consists of seasoned educators with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience.

Here is what I would say to you face-to-face and heart-to-heart: If you really want to put the money the Lord has blessed you with to…
          …the best possible use in spreading the gospel through a continent,
                    …the best possible way to make a difference in the future of a nation,
                               …the best possible use in the growth of the kingdom in Australia,

there is no better use than the training of Australians to reach, teach and preach to Australians.

            If you are considering helping the Peters but you want to talk to someone about it first, just give me a call on my cell (mobile) phone 325-370-7448 or my Lubbock office: 806-788-3223 or Abilene: 325-673-9697.

            The Peters’ website is

They are sponsored by the Park Central Church of Christ, 3901 Jimmy Johnson Blvd., Port Arthur, TX 77642